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J.R. Mora González, J. Migueles, I. Esteban-Cornejo, C. Cadenas Sánchez, M.B. Pastor Villaescusa, P. Molina, M. Rico, Á. Gil Hernández, C.M. Aguilera García, M.V. Escolano Margarit, A. Gejl, L.B. Andersen, A. Catena Martínez and F.B. Ortega Porcel,  "Sedentarism, Physical Activity, Steps, and Neurotrophic Factors in Obese Children",  Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, vol.51 , 2325-2333, 2019
J.F. Navas, C. Martín Pérez, D. Petrova-, A. Verdejo-García, M. Cano, O. Sagripanti-Mazuquín, A. Perandrés, Á. López-Martín, S. Cordovilla-Guardia, A. Megías-Robles, J.C. Perales López and R. Vilar López,  "Sex differences in impulsivity trait and their association with driving under the influence of alcohol in young adults: the specific role of positive emotion-based impulsivity traits",  Accident Analysis & Prevention, vol.124 , 174-179, 2019
J.F. Navas, C. Martín Pérez, D. Petrova-, A. Verdejo-García, S. Cordovilla-Guardia, A. Megías-Robles, J.C. Perales López and R. Vilar López,  "Sex differences in the association between impulsivity and driving under the influence of alcohol in young adults: The specific role of sensation seeking",  Accident Analysis & Prevention, vol.124 , 174-179, 2019
A. Cornil and J.C. Perales López,  "The gambling craving experience questionnaire: Psychometric properties of a new scale based on the elaborated intrusion theory of desire",  Addictive behaviors, vol.95 , 110-117, 2019
C. Martínez-Ruiz De Lara, J.F. Navas and J.C. Perales López,  "The paradoxical relationship between emotion regulation and gambling-related cognitive biases",  PLoS One, vol.14 , -, 2019
D. Sanabria Lucena, A. Luque Casado, J.C. Perales López, R. Ballester, L.F. Ciria Pérez, F. Huertas-Olmedo and P. Perakakis-,  "The relationship between vigilance capacity and physical exercise: a mixed-effects multistudy analysis",  PeerJ Computer Science, vol.7 , -, 2019
M.F. Jara-Rizzo, J.F. Navas, A. Catena Martínez and J.C. Perales López,  "Types of Emotion Regulation and Their Associations with Gambling: A Cross-Sectional Study with Disordered and Non-problem Ecuadorian Gamblers",  Journal of Gambling Studies, vol.35 , 997-1013, 2019
H. Rieiro, M.C. Díaz Piedra, J.M. Morales Fernández, A. Catena Martínez, S.F. Romero García, J. Roca-González, L.J. Fuentes-Melero and L.L. Di Stasi,  "Validation of electroencephalographic recordings obtained with a consumer-grade, single dry electrode, low-cost device: A comparative study",  Sensors, vol.19 , -, 2019

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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