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Producción científica

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Lista de congresos

I. Hinojosa-Aguayo, D. García Burgos, A. Catena Martínez and F. González Reyes,  "Neural substrates of affective and sensory beer evaluation in participants with different levels of tasting expertise", "1st Joint Congress of the SEPEX, SEPNECA and AIT-EXPERIMENTAL", None-None, 2018
I. Hinojosa-Aguayo and F. González Reyes,  "R3HEDONIC: Development of an AppInventor mobile application to reduce craving outside the laboratory", "II Jornadas de Investigación CIMCYC", None-None, 2018
M.J. Quintero, J.F. Navas and J.C. Perales López,  "The role of extinction of conditioned emotional associations in emotion regulation and gambling behavior", "XXX International Conference of the Spanish Society for Comparative Psychology", None-None, 2018
J.P. Zavala-Crichton, I. Esteban-Cornejo, P. Solís, J. Verdejo Román, C. Cadenas Sánchez, J. Migueles, , P. Molina, A. Catena Martínez and F.B. Ortega Porcel,  "Comportamiento sedentario y volúmenes cerebrales totales en niños con sobrepeso/obesidad", "3er Simposio Internacional de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Actividad Física", None-None, 2018
D. Garrido Del Águila, D. Petrova-, G. Carballo García and R. García-Retamero-Imedio,  "Implicaciones en la calidad de vida familiar. ", "II jornadas de investigacio¿n: Cerebro, conducta y sociedad virtual", None-None, 2018
I. Esteban-Cornejo, J.R. Mora González, C. Cadenas Sánchez, O. Contreras-Rodríguez, J. Verdejo Román, P. Henriksson, J. Migueles, , C. Suo, C. Hillman, A. Catena Martínez, A. Verdejo-García and F.B. Ortega Porcel,  "The role of physical fitness components on overall and regional cortical thickness in overweight/obese children: preliminary results from the ActiveBrains Project", "Cognitive Neuroscience Society", None-None, 2018
J.F. Navas, O. Contreras-Rodríguez, T. Van Timmeren, C. Soriano-Mas , A. Goudriaan, R. Van Holst and J.C. Perales López,  "Description of Functional connectivity of limbic brain regions related to negative urgency in gambling disorder", "4th International Multidisciplinary Symposium. Excessive Gambling: Sciencie, Independence, Transparency. ", None-None, 2018
C. Campoy Campoy, J. Manuello, J. Verdejo Román, F.J. Torres-Espinola, M. Arias and A. Catena Martínez,  "Maternal excess weight and gestational diabetes determine long-term changes in the brain structure of their offspring: an MRI study on PREOBE children at 6 years old", "51th ESPGHAN Annual Meeting", None-None, 2018

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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