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M.D.M. Rueda García, R. Ferri García, F. Lopez Torrecillas and M.G. Jiménez-Torres,  "Personality and mobile phone dependence: a cross-sectional population-based study", "7th Conference of the European Survey Research Association", None-None, 2017
M.D.M. Rueda García, R. Ferri García, M.A. Olivencia Carrión and F. Lopez Torrecillas,  "Personality and mobile phone dependence: a cross-sectional population-based study 2017", " Personality and mobile phone dependence: a cross-sectional population-based study 2017.", None-None, 2017
M.C. Ibáñez Romero, R. Muñoz Martínez, B. Noguerol Rodríguez, A. Catena Martínez, A. Magán Fernández and F.L. Mesa Aguado,  "El diseño de la prótesis y la superficie del implante como factores pronósticos de perdida marginal ósea. Estudio retrospectivo a largo plazo.", "51ª Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Española de Periodoncia", None-None, 2017
C.A. Solano Galvis "Psicoterapia para educadores", "Asignatura Practicum del Grado de Educación Infantil", None-None, 2017
S. Cordovilla-Guardia and J.F. Navas Pérez,  "Study of the association between consumption of psychotropic drugs and falls in patients admitted for trauma", " International Council of Nurses Congress", None-None, 2017
I. Hinojosa-Aguayo and F. González Reyes,  "Pavlovian Instrumental Transfer and Outcome Devaluation: The effect of emotional impulsiveness (negative urgency) on an appetitive task in young women", "XXIX Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Psicología Comparada", None-None, 2017
M. Fernández Alcántara, J. Verdejo Román, I. Fernández-Ávalos, A. Catena Martínez, M.N. Pérez Marfil and F. Cruz Quintana,  "Emotional processing of pleasant and unpleasant pictures in complicated grief: a preliminary study with fMRI", "11th International Conference on Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society", None-None, 2017
B. Cobo Rodríguez, M.D.M. Rueda García and F. Lopez Torrecillas,  "Application of randomized response techniques for investigating cannabis", "7th Conference of the European Survey Research Association", None-None, 2017

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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